Quick Update on Goals for 2019

Quick Update on Goals for 2019

2018 has truly been a pivotal year in my decade-long entrepreneurial career. I went from managing social media accounts for several brands to focusing on my own brand, writing for several publications, and working with a few marketing and PR agencies on projects.

Some Firsts in 2018⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

1. First time teaching my own social media class — my two Recipe for Instagram Marketing classes were all mine. I’ve spoken at conferences, been on stage plenty of times — but there’s a big difference when you are in charge of everything from the marketing of the classes, to the slides on the PowerPoint deck, to follow up after the class. I will be teaching a similar class several times in 2019 so watch out for more information! ⠀⠀

2. First time as president of a board. I have been on the board of PMG-North Bay Professional Marketing Group-North Bay for a few years, but this past July I became President. And I’m so excited about some of our marketing education programs coming up in the new year. 😉 (details on the website soon!)
3. First time staying at the hospital for more than 2 nights (my firsts can’t all be good). Back in September when Ryeson got his feeding tube to help him gain weight (due to his Cystic Fibrosis) we had to stay at the Oakland Kaiser for a few days to let my little almost 3-year-old recover from surgery. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

4. We had our first parent teacher conference. Ryeson started school in April, and in August we had to have a parent teacher conference because he (still) has a tendency to be a little bit more active then other kids. Definitely something we already knew. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

5. First time creating long-term goals and truly sticking to them. Back in March, my husband and I went to San Diego to create goals for both work and personal. One of those goals was to lose 20 pounds. And I am so excited to say I am at just over 30 pounds lost in nine months (and made healthy cooking at home and working out habits). Other goals involved creating the classes and online course, and making sure I stuck with email marketing more. ✔️✔️

Looking forward to goals for 2019⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

2019 is already looking good. Well, at least on paper. :) I have spent the last few days looking back on my goals for the past year, acknowledging the tactics I used that were successful and the mistakes I made (and more importantly, the lessons I learned because of those mistakes). I am feeling confident as I expand upon my current goals, making plans that include social media classes, online courses, and working with marketing agencies on projects. It truly is about celebrating the small wins to make your year.

Action Item: Goals for 2019

I’ve taken to writing down some goals for the next year, with an emphasis on hosting more social media marketing classes that pertain to the wine industry and developing a continued focus on being actionable. Every social media marketing-related blog post I share will have at least one action item for readers to get started with right away.

In addition, I’m sharing more of my Instagram tips on social media. In the past, I kept those as my own trade secrets, but I’m realizing that the more I share and collaborate with people, the more work I get it. It’s such an amazing feeling to see the opportunities that are able to come from it.

Celebrate with me

This past summer, I was reminded that I am hitting 10 years as an entrepreneur this January. LinkedIn actually told me (and 5K of my closest LinkedIn friends) that it was my 10-year anniversary back in June…but I realize that was incorrect; I left my job at a Santa Rosa PR agency in January of 2009. On my last day, I prepared chocolate to look good on-air with cookbook author, Alice Medrich on KTVU. Ending my corporate career on a pretty high note. Thankfully, 10 years later - I still love chocolate and have gotten to work with many other brands I love.

So, early in 2019 I will be celebrating 10 years with an anniversary party (and of course, you are all invited)! I want to hear from you: where do you think I should celebrate?

My Word of the Year: Intention

My Word of the Year: Intention

Roundup of My Favorite Sonoma County Articles of 2018

Roundup of My Favorite Sonoma County Articles of 2018