Wine Country Membership Card Had to Pivot To Sell Wine Online

I'm so excited to introduce my new video interview series where I talk to small business owners and marketers who have had to change up how they do business because of the growing threat of the coronavirus spread, and the Shelter in Place (SIP) orders here in the Bay Area. 

The series is called Pivotal - a Focus on Digital Marketing - because everyone I've talked to both for this series, and through social media, or over the phone, they have realized that what worked in the past, AKA February 2020, wasn't going to work anymore, even after their businesses are granted permission to open back up.

I also am very aware that I'm in a completely different situation and then most of these small business owners and marketers. I may be a small business owner, but I don't have employees, and I'm also used to working from home, with or without a small child terrorizing the house.

I have written about how small businesses can make small changes to pivot the way they do business, but I also wanted to learn more, and get real-life tips on how people are having to change up their business on the fly.
This episode of my video interview I talked to Landon. He happens to be a good friend, so he got to be my guinea pig with this new concept.  It was before I discovered StreamYard to host my video chats (seriously, check this video chat service out if you are doing more live video on Facebook, Youtube and Linkedin). So Landon and I talked through Facebook Messenger about everything from how he had to completely upend his business model of experiences within the wine industry, to selling, AND delivering wine online.

Sign up for Harvest Card’s email newsletter to get access to great deals on Sonoma County Wines through the Harvest Card Cellar: Learn more about what Landon is up to on Instagram as well … hint, he is sharing all his favorite Sonoma County wineries and restaurants doing curbside pickup!

Going From Selling Wine In-Person to Selling Wine Online Is No Easy Task

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