New Book Out: Randall the Blue Spider Plays Pretend

Randall the Blue Spider and his friend Joey the Grasshopper want to try out for their school play. But Joey is worried that bullies will make fun of his stutter. Learn about this Children's Book on Bullying where Randall & friends discover how to overcome insecurities and handle adversity with kindness, love, and respect for themselves & others.

Written by mother and son duo, Ryeson & Shana Bull, Randall the Blue Spider Plays Pretend is a cute easy-to-read children's book that teaches young readers important social-emotional skills like coping with nervousness, overcoming bullying, and being good friends to others.

One year ago I rang the bell at the Kaiser cancer treatment center. One year ago I finished my anal cancer treatments - radiation & oral chemotherapy. And now, one-year post anal cancer treatments —Moving forward, one of my goals in life is to encourage everyone to listen to their body, and go see a doctor, community health center, etc when they feel like something is off.

Bottoms Up! Post-Anal Cancer Life One Year Later

The post-cancer journey is a slow and arduous one. It's hard knowing that I may not return to my pre-cancer "normal" in some ways. But all you or I can do is approach every day in turn—and with diligence, focus, and people by your side, things become a little less tough than they otherwise would be. Sometimes, that's all you need.