The social media mom versus real life

We’ve all seen it: the perfect pictures on Instagram with someone using the hashtag #blessed. Or the gorgeous DIY second birthday party for a toddler, complete with crafts that belong in the pages of Martha Stewart or on Pinterest. You may know one of these moms in person, and secretly – or not so secretly – look up to them...or judge them. This is a blog post dedicated to real moms.

What Social Media Community Management Should Look Like

At the end of the day, the relationship that customers make with brands is what they are going to remember. If a potential customer asked a question about your product or service through social media, and you got back to them right away, they will remember that. The opposite is true as well, people now have an expectation that brands will get back to them on social media, and when they don’t, that leaves a bad taste in their mouth. I provided some tips and tricks of how to batch your community management time within a few minutes each day so it’s not overwhelming.

Train Yourself: Habit for Social Media Marketing

Sometimes getting started with social media marketing for your business can be daunting because you aren’t really sure where to start. In order to be successful you have to create daily habits for Social Media Marketing, otherwise you will just be posting and not knowing if you are moving forward with your brand goals. Also, creating habits make tasks easier to manage for long term success.  

Tacos are Life

You can literally never go wrong with hosting a taco party for friends and family. By having a few different types of tortillas, sides, and proteins, you can make sure to be friendly to vegans, gluten-free, whole 30, meat-heads (oops, I meant meat-eaters), etc. because everyone can make their own version of tacos.