What to do now that Roe vs Wade is overturned

I will skip the introduction for this blog post because if you are reading this, you have probably heard that the Supreme Court recently overturned a few rulings, most notably Roe V Wade.

Like you - saying I am angry is an understatement.

I am still processing the news and trying to make sense of it all. I know that this is a huge setback for women's rights, and I am deeply disappointed in the people who have been working for years to get the Supreme Court to where it is. I worry about what this means for the future of our country and the progress we have made on many issues.

I am heartened by the fact that so many people are speaking out against this decision and demanding change. It is clear that there is still a lot of work to be done to ensure equality for all Americans, regardless of gender or race. We cannot give up now, we must fight harder than ever before.

But how do we fight back when all feels lost? First, let’s look back

It is clear that the anti-choice (let’s be clear, they are NOT pro-life) movement was able to succeed because they were willing to dedicate themselves to a single issue and see it through to the Supreme Court.

While the Democrats are spread thin trying to accommodate all of their different values, the small minority of evangelical “Christians” were able to capitalize on their laser-like focus in order to win significant victories - first locally, then state-wide, then national. 

Read or listen more to NPR’s Throughline that really goes into detail about it: Evangelicals didn't always play such a big role in the fight to limit abortion access. Seriously, save this podcast to listen to because it goes back to the ’70s. 

Basically --- They were able to accomplish getting Roe overturned because they were singularly focused, and dedicated over a long period of time. 

Another failure on the part of Democrats is to understand how threatening the anti-choice minority of people was until it was too late. 


Because Democrats are a party that has a lot of different values (big tent) it’s really hard to have a singular focus. We have spent a lot of time arguing with ourselves, and getting into Twitter fights with assholes who purposely say horrible things to rile people up. 

If Democrats want to learn from this example, it is clear that WE need to start by narrowing our priorities and really committing ourselves to not being distracted.

What Democrats should NOT do moving forward: 

We should NOT make a lot of noise for a brief time then forget about it and move on to the next piece of news that crosses our smartphones.

Let’s be honest — we (collectively) have done that before and it’s the equivalent of going to the gym once, and thinking you don’t have to work out again. 

If Democrats want to maintain or increase power in the House and Senate, we need to stay focused on the November elections. 

We can't afford to get distracted by other news items or events. 

One message, one movement starts with small steps:

Right now the only message and the only focus should be very specific to November. So we can attempt to keep the house, and gain more seats in the Senate. 

But this isn’t just about TELLING PEOPLE TO VOTE. We have been doing that already and even though Democrats technically hold both the House, and the Senate, we know that a few members of the Senate are Democrats in name only. They have done absolutely everything they can to obstruct any progress. 

“For the moments when we DO insist on elections, we must be PRECISE with what we need and we will do with that power:

How many seats does the party need to Codify Roe?

Dems must SAY THAT. Not just “go vote” or “give us $6 to win.” That is demoralizing, losing, unfocused nonsense.”

- AOC has been saying this on Twitter, and giving specifics about what people can do!

This isn’t going to be a quick fix because there isn’t just one answer.

The key to real change is understanding that the status quo has to be altered. This means recognizing that the way things have been done in the past is no longer working or isn't good enough. It takes dedication and effort to bring about lasting change. And it often requires help from others who are committed to the same goals.

When we want to make a change in our lives, it's important to start with small steps.

Real change does not happen overnight; it's a slow and gradual process. To achieve true and lasting transformation, we must put in the work day after day, week after week, month after month. Only then can we hope to see real results that last a lifetime.

What it will take to make a change: 

Communication & organization: Connect with others through local Facebook groups or Next Door who share the same values. Find a national organization (like Fair Fight Action) that you can work with to connect with potential voters in the states needed to make gains in Congress. 

If we look at the anti-choice movement playbook, this is where they succeeded. And they stated with those small steps… They put in the work - and kept it up.

Donate to the causes that are helping mobilize people — especially marginalized communities like the Native American Voting Rights — because you may have heard, they will end up being the most impacted by these new laws. 💔

Vote in elections. Really get to know the people on the ballot. Don’t just vote for the person already doing the job, because let’s be honest — if more people were doing their jobs well, we may not be in this mess. I’ve been over here voting forever thinking the people I voted in will fix things — and yet, here we are. 

Vote and really pay attention to LOCAL elections. This needs to be said again because many of us - myself included sometimes focus on all the bad stuff that feels like is happening nationally. When in reality - local elections impact our day-to-day lives even more. You know those school board members that didn’t want mask mandates in schools —- they were elected. Sheriffs and DA’s who decide who to prosecute - yeah, they are elected. And we need to be paying attention to these local elections even more. Which, let’s be honest - is hard to do because many local newspapers are going away… So find out where you can get info (a trusted source in your neighborhood) and learn more about what the candidates in your area stand for!

Oh, and check out Run For Somenting if you aren’t inspired by your local candidates. Many of these positions aren’t full-time, and don’t take millions of dollars to run the campaigns… And these are the positions that should be filled by people who look like REAL members of the community. ALL of the community. .

Vote with your dollars. Make an effort to do your research and find out the values of the products and businesses you are spending your money on. Find out if they donate to politicians that stand for the same values you hold true. And make your voice be heard by buying products from brands that share the same values -- and make your reasons be heard on social media. 

Self-care — it’s a necessity. Especially when the political turmoil is so all-consuming and stressful. When you are able to take care of yourself, you can help others even more (this is a luxury, I know). Read more about why Self Care is a form of Protest.

Understand this isn’t just about us. The government telling people what they can and cannot do with their bodies is something straight out of a dystopian nightmare. And while white women quoting The Handmaid's Tale may feel good on Facebook, it’s not the way to make real change. 

It's also about understanding that the Handmaid's Tale is not dystopian for black women - it's real life. https://www.sbs.com.au/topics/voices/culture/article/2018/05/18/handmaids-tale-not-dystopian-black-women-its-real-life 

Other suggestions from people on Facebook:

  • “Demand specific actions from those you voted to represent you. Democrats are waiting for permission to move forward- it’s annoying.” 

  • “Call your representative, even if they are already fighting for you. It takes 2 mins. State the issue you want them to focus on. They all hear more from the conservative right- thus they aren’t hearing from all their constituents.” 

  • “Connect with local officials also to let them know what you value.”

  • “Show up at town halls and ask what action they are taking to address.” 

  • “Get involved in local politics- have a voice, demand that these people work (we pay them), write an op-ed.” 

  • “Put your $ where your values are- look up where your service providers spend $ lobbying. If it doesn’t align, find a new provider. (Eg Home Depot and AT&T suck).”

  • “Keep up the convo in the “public square’ aka on social media. 

At the end of the day we need to remember that this isn’t over: 

… We got here because we were complacent. So, we need to work hard to undo the damage that has been done.

But, we know that this is a minority of people - and even though they are in power NOW, that won’t always be the case.

We need to vote people in who are willing to make change to the status quo, not sit by while rights are taken away by hateful people who want to push their beliefs on everyone.

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