That One Time When My Toddler's School Closed Down Indefinitely...

That One Time When My Toddler's School Closed Down Indefinitely...

Saying I have been through a lot over the past few months is an understatement… My toddler was sick for what seemed like the entire Winter. Colds, double ear infections (2x), pink eye and a lingering stuffy nose and cough has plagued our family of three since December.

Then on Tuesday evening in early March we received an email and text from his preschool saying the school had poor air quality due to the heavy rains and they needed to close down to test…

Long story short… That “bad air quality” was mold, and I assume it was there longer than they are telling us - which is deadly for my toddler who has Cystic Fibrosis. And yeah, that school is now officially closed and we have be piecing together his child care for the last month. Thankfully, he starts at a new school on Monday, but that doesn’t mean I am not still upset at the school, and kinda at myself as well. I did NOT listen to my gut when it came to his school and we paid a price for that. So, now I will definitely be listening to my instincts when it comes to his health, his school and everything else.

Also, since I am a writer, I did what any writer who was upset would do… I wrote an article!

Learning how to trust your gut as a mom

My latest article for Wine Country Mom Blog (which can now be found on my own blog) is about my past struggle with Merryhill Preschool (ohhh.. it wasn’t just the recent closing that has me fired up. Read the article for more details, and know that I definitely plan on listening to my own gut in the future.

BTW. Since we have had 10+ doctors appts over the last 3 months, Rye has decided he wants to be a doctor when he grows up. My heart melts looking at these pictures of him at Kaiser.

How You Can Learn How To Trust Your Gut As A Parent

How You Can Learn How To Trust Your Gut As A Parent

Recipe for Instagram Class - Santa Rosa Workshop

Recipe for Instagram Class - Santa Rosa Workshop