Clover Sonoma + Whole Foods Eggnog Giveaway

Clover Sonoma + Whole Foods Eggnog Giveaway

(Just FYI — this was a sponsored post on Instagram, but I wanted to elaborate more here on my blog.)

As you may know — I love everything about eating & drinking during the last two months of the year. One of my favorite things is having people over to try different eggnogs, with and without alcohol, of course.

This year I have a few plans for this eggnog and I will definitely make sure to share. #sponsored

Grab a carton for yourself because they have a pretty cool giveaway with Whole Foods Sonoma this month.

Head to Whole Foods, pick-up some Clover Sonoma Eggnog and check out their Instagram page for details on their #EggcitedForEggnog giveaway where you have the chance to win a $250 gift card to Whole Foods Market plus $50 Clover Cash (they sent some to me during the fires because we have spoiled milk in the fridge from not having power for three days). Cheers.

Follow my food adventures on Instagram as well — @sharayray

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