Shana Bull, Digital Marketing

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6 Tips on How to Enjoy Life Even When You Feel Overworked

Please let me know if YOU can relate to this scenario: It's Friday, and *you* can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. You've been working hard all week and you're ready for a break. … 

… But before you can relax, you remember that next week is going to be just as busy and you are already feeling overwhelmed. You can't help but wonder if this is what adulthood is really like: always being busy and never having any time to yourself.

The other day I shared an image on Instagram that received a lot of attention (200+ shares!): Adulthood is saying "but after this week, things will slow down a bit." over and over again until you die.

The post (in case you want to share it):

One Instagram user replied, "so true." And another said, "how can we stop this?!?! lmao!" It's clear that the image struck a chord with many people.

My guess is that the image resonated with so many people for the same reasons I laughed when I first saw it --- because it's very relatable. We've all had those weeks where we're just counting down the days until Friday. And even when we do have a few moments to ourselves, we're often thinking about all the things we need to get done.

It can be easy to forget that there are other aspects to life outside of work or kids.

When we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, it can be easy to forget about the things that make us happy. We're always chasing after the next goal, the next deadline, the next project. And before we know it, months have gone by and we haven't taken any time for ourselves.

Tips for how you can enjoy life even when you are overworked all the time:

1. Take a step back and remember what brings joy into our lives. For some people, it may be spending time with family or friends, going for walks in nature, listening to music, or reading a good book. Whatever it is that makes you happy, make sure to find time for it in your busy schedule. I literally have a note that I taped to the wall next to my desk with reminders of small activities that make me happy when I have writer’s block while staring at my computer screen.

While it's important to stay focused on our goals, it's also important to take some time for ourselves every once in a while. We all need a break from our everyday lives. Otherwise, we'll start to feel burnt out and even resentful.

2. In addition to thinking about what brings you joy, it's also important to ask yourself: is this really what I want? Is this what will make me happy? If not, then maybe it's time to reevaluate your priorities. Life is too short to spend it stressed out and unhappy.

3. It can be challenging to stick to our goals when we're constantly being pulled in different directions. When we break down our goals into smaller steps, they become more manageable and less daunting. Instead of thinking you need to accomplish everything on your list in one week, divide it up into tasks that can be done each day. This will help you feel like you are making progress and not get bogged down by a long checklist of things to do. Here are even more tips for goal planning when feeling burnt out.

4. Another way to stop feeling overwhelmed is to delegate or ask for help with some of the items on your list. If there are things that others can handle, or that don't need to be done right away, let them know what they can do to help lighten your load. 

Work with your partner, or family members to come up with a game plan to help. At the beginning of the pandemic, my husband and I planned out what our days would look like with our son home from preschool every day. It wasn’t perfect, but we were able to get some work tasks done while also watching our son. 

5. One way to stop negative thinking is to be aware of it when it happens. Pay attention to your thoughts and see if you can catch yourself when you're saying things like "after this week, things will slow down a bit." If you can catch yourself in the act, so to speak, then you can start to change your thinking. 

Remember that your thoughts are just that - thoughts. They're not necessarily reality. Just because you think something doesn't mean it's true. So if you find yourself getting caught up in negative thinking, try to take a step back and remind yourself that these thoughts are just your opinion, and they don't have to control you or your life.

6. Finally, take some time each day for yourself, even if it's just a few minutes. It's important to find a balance between work and play. Make sure you schedule some time each week just for YOU! Whether it's going for a run, taking a yoga class, or simply sitting down with a good book, make sure you give yourself some time to relax and rejuvenate. When you have some downtime, use it wisely so that you don't end up feeling even more overwhelmed than before. 

For our own mental health, and for those around you, take care of yourself - because as we know, life seems to be moving so quickly lately that if we don't take a step back, we will keep wondering where the time went... 

When was the last time you took a break?

A real break, not just scrolling through social media or watching TV.

Taking care of yourself is so important, and it's something we often forget to do. We get wrapped up in our work, in our relationships, our kids, and in everyday life and we forget to take care of ourselves. It's important to remember that if we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take care of others. Make sure you're taking the time to do things that make you happy and relax you. Whatever it is that makes you feel good, make sure you're doing it regularly.

Self-care is not selfish.

"You cannot pour from an empty cup." You need to fill your own cup first before you can even think about filling someone else's. Read more about how important self-care is, especially for moms.

So many of us put everyone else's needs above their own because they think it makes them a good person or a better parent/partner/friend/etc., but what they don't realize is that by doing this they are only making themselves more exhausted and stressed out. When you're taking care of yourself properly, you have more energy and patience for those around you.

So next time you're feeling overwhelmed or like you can't possibly do one more thing, stop and ask yourself what you need to feel better. Take a few deep breaths, have a cup of tea, go for a walk - do whatever it is that will help YOU at that moment.