Why Successful People Wear a Work Uniform

Why Successful People Wear a Work Uniform

Does the idea of a school uniform feels restrictive to you also?

Itchy fabric, strict nuns yelling at their class, and generally unhappy kids.

It cannot be JUST ME thinking of this when they think of uniforms, right?  Maybe I watched too much TV as a kid? Or maybe it’s because when I was bad, my parents would threaten to send me to Catholic high school.

The idea of a work uniform may bring up some of the same thoughts, maybe even worse ones of dystopian movies where everyone wears light gray all the time. UGH! The idea of that makes my skin crawl. Dark grey and now we can talk! 

I have read a number of articles about Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg (both for and against his laid-back style), Barack Obama, and countless other businessmen—and women (loving this article from Harpers Bazaar)—discussing their workplace uniforms. The reasoning all comes down to mental energy and time.

This article explains it perfectly: https://www.becomingminimalist.com/wear-one/. We only have a limited amount of mental energy; if all your energy is wasted in the morning by running around the house trying to find a shirt, figuring out what to eat for breakfast (which is why I often skip breakfast and get worn out by 10 am, but that’s a WHOLE OTHER BLOG), and attempting to find matching socks….

Well, that takes away energy that you can use to strategize, write, plan or anything else you must do to reach your goals.

My Personal Work Uniform

As I move into being 36 years old, I am learning to be more comfortable in my own skin. I used to wear high heels, uncomfortable suits, and jackets to work. I realize now that having a comfortable work uniform is OK.

Let me break it down for you. I am the most comfortable in jeans, a semi-loose tank top, and a cardigan. Maybe add some flip-flops or get fancy with my go-to black heels, but SIMPLE has become my work uniform.

I always wanted to be the stylish one. I love color so much when it comes to shoes, necklaces, scarves, or makeup, but the basics in my wardrobe are always neutrals. I think I look best in black and I shouldn’t have to apologize for that. Yet I feel like I have to.

I am finally at a point where I can say that yes – having a work uniform is fine.

A Work Uniform that is Uniquely YOU

By choosing to keep your dress simple, you can focus your mental energy where it matters. Not on figuring out what to wear the next day.

Pick a few key items and work from there. For me, it is yoga pants, tank tops and my favorite hoodie from Cooperage Brewing.  

I can definitely tell you from experience that being in a good mindspace when you get to work is more noticeable than wearing the same shoes twice in a row.

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