Shana Bull, Digital Marketing

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Taste of Sonoma - The Best Eats & Drinks.

This year,  my favorite Sonoma County food & wine festival has sprung up on me. Okay, okay... Taste of Sonoma (Wine Country Weekend) happens EVERY Labor Day weekend. This year summer seemed to go by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday that Makayla started as my intern (looking at Instagram that turns out was 11 week ago). 

Labor Day - the semi-official END of summer is just a week and a half away. I couldn't be happier. Fall foods and fashion are the best. 

Maybe that's why I love Taste of Sonoma so much...  It is usually warm, so everyone is decked out in sundresses, big hats and lots of color. 

It is also right in the middle of tomato season (and usually right before most of the wine industry goes into hiding for harvest). The tomatoes are so freaking delicious here in Wine Country in September, and it seems like every Taste of Sonoma food vendor is using them in their dishes. 

This is great for a vegetarian like me. :) 

Pic by Something about Sonoma

I am excited to try the mac n cheese pops again... Or the sauerkraut from Zin Restaurant (Jeff Mall had reuben sandwiches in 2013 and let me have some of the kraut). 

Oh! And, of course, the Gloria Ferrer bubble lounge.

And the cheese. Mmm. Sonoma has the BEST cheese. 

And, of course seeing my friends who attend and who pour their wines. 

For those lucky enough to get tickets before they sold out, or who are working the event - WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS YEAR?