Shana Bull, Digital Marketing

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7 Social Media Scheduling Tools to Post Content

I get it; remembering to post on social media day in and day out is the last thing anyone has time for.

Lucky for you, I have just the solution for making planning out social media content easy and (mostly) effortless: A social media scheduling tool! 

By using a social media scheduling tool, you can take the headache out of having to remember to post on social media every day. With most scheduling tools, all you need to do is create your content in advance and set a schedule for when you want it to go live. (I know, I know... that's the hardest part, that's where I can help (book a one-on-one strategy session with me).

By utilizing these tools, you can rest assured knowing that your social media presence is being taken care of without having to constantly check in and update your status.

In addition to making your life easier, scheduling tools can also help you to be more strategic about when and how often you're posting on social media. By taking the time to plan out your content in advance, you can make sure that each piece of content serves a specific purpose and helps you achieve your overall marketing goals. As an added bonus, some scheduling apps also offer analytics tools that can help you track the success of your posts and identify which types of content are resonating most with your audience.

Invest in a social media scheduling tool.

If you're looking for a way to simplify your social media management process, consider investing in a scheduling tool. With its ability to save time and boost efficiency, it's an essential tool for any business owner or marketer who wants to make the most out of their social media efforts!

Ranging in pricing & features -- these social media scheduling tools are a lifesaver for creating & scheduling content. Some of these tools even help with ideas for content, and many of them offer a way to upload stock images from sites like Unsplash, etc. making it even easier to create and share content. 

Here are 7 of my personal favorite Social Media Scheduling Tools to schedule content on social platforms:

1. Buffer - My personal favorite. Simple and straightforward, it's great for those who share a lot of links on Twitter/Linkedin and want an easy-to-use scheduler that doesn't break the bank. Pricing.

2. AgoraPulse - On the pricier side but offering excellent features such as reporting and analytics, definitely is perfect for those who want an all-in-one solution. Pricing.

3. SproutSocial - Another great option for those who want comprehensive scheduling, analytic, and trend listening capabilities to grow their accounts.  Pricing.

4. Planoly - A good choice if you're looking for an app that focuses on Instagram scheduling. Pricing.

5. Later - A budget-friendly option that not only schedules your content but also suggests the best times to post based on when your followers are most active! Pricing.

6. Plann - Similar to Planoly & Plann this is a reliable social media scheduling tool that gets the job done without any frills or extras. Pricing.

7. Canva Pro - Yup, in addition to being my go-to app to create quote images and memes, Canva's Pro version includes a calendar feature to remind you of upcoming holidays, making it a great choice for those who want a complete social media solution. Pricing. Also, here is more about why I love Canva Pro to create content for social media.

I know there are others like CoSchedule and Hootsuite, but I haven't used the first and I am not a fan of the interface of the second... 

There are a few key features to look for when choosing a scheduling app:

The first is whether or not the app integrates with the platforms you want to post to. There’s no point in using an app that only posts to Twitter if most of your audience is on Instagram. Make sure the app you choose can connect to all (or at least most) of the platforms you want to use (the ones above schedule to most of the social platforms, but some like Later, Plann and Planoly are definitely targeted at those who want to post to Instagram). 

SproutSocial + AgoraPulse are the more robust options, but they come with a bigger price. 

Another important feature to consider is how user-friendly the interface is.

If an app isn’t straightforward and easy to use, you’re not going to want to use it—and chances are good you won’t stick with it even if you do give it a try. Ease of use also encompasses things like being able to migrate your old content from other apps into a new one, or export content should you decide to switch apps down the line.

Also, make sure to look at what else each scheduling app does. Many of them have some form of reporting, but not a lot have engagement. So if you are looking for a scheduling tool to do everything, look at SproutSocial + AgoraPulse. 

Finally, take pricing into consideration. While some paid options definitely have their perks, there are also some great free options available—you may just have to be willing to sacrifice features here and there.

At the end of the day, find an app that fits both your needs and your budget—it doesn’t matter if it’s free or paid, as long as it works well for you. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different tools, but find the one that best works for your brand.

Now that you have made it all the way down this article, here are a few other social media marketing tools I recommend.