Start of 2017 Goals

According to the doctors, Ryeson is one of the most active kids they see... Anyone who has met Jeff or I just laughs and shakes their head when they hear this. Yup, Jeff & I have a curious little kid who never stops. 

Raising such an active kid means NO time for myself when we watch him... Which I know I was warned about, but you never truly understand until you are in the early stages of toddlerhood. 

So, as I sit here thinking about what I want to accomplish in 2017, my dreams are a little smaller and more personal than normal.. You know, like a shower more than once a week. Or time to make a proper breakfast each morning. 

My real goal for 2017 is to take a deeper dive into time management, especially the few hours each work day that Rye has a nanny to watch him. 

Treat Yo Self

Leek Soup for Detox (Instant Pot Recipe)