5 Tips on How to Write Engaging FAQ Answers Your Target Audience Will Love

5 Tips on How to Write Engaging FAQ Answers Your Target Audience Will Love

Your customers are always asking questions. Whether it's about your products, services, or just general information  -- their questions can provide valuable insight into the type of content they're interested in.

These frequently asked questions (FAQs) are literal GOLD when it comes to creating content for your website and social media platforms. 

Oh, and don’t forget Yelp or Facebook. If you are like any of my wine clients, you will notice the same questions or comments over and over again. Then instead of being reactive - write all these questions down so that you can be proactive in responding and answering those questions.

By listening to questions, you can learn what your audience wants to know more about.

This not only saves you time and energy coming up with topics on your own but also ensures that the content you produce is relevant and engaging to your audience. So next time you're feeling stuck, talk to a customer for a little bit and take note of some of the questions they ask. 

Here's an example of what happens when you listen and write down the questions that your customers ask: "This is a great product, but I'm concerned about how long it will take to get here." That's a great question that can be easily answered on your website with information about shipping times. You could also share this response on social media as well.

If you are just starting your business, just write down questions you think you would have about your product or service and answer them the best you can (or Google the questions and see what the internet would answer).  The key is to make sure that you answer these frequently asked questions in a way that is helpful and informative for your potential customers. By doing this, you will build trust with them and establish yourself as an authority figure in your industry or niche.

Personally, my go-to for remembering questions that get asked of me is to:

  1. Create a Google Doc

  2. Add all the questions to a list

  3. Write down the answers.

  4. Share with all employees so everyone can be on the same page.

  5. Copy and paste (and edit when need be).

Copying this simple strategy will help you keep track of FAQs so you can easily reference them when creating new content or planning new product launches. Plus, your employees can use these questions and answers to generate blog posts, videos, and other types of content for your marketing efforts. 

Last, if you want to save even more time - create a FAQ section on your website. This FAQ page is an ideal place to answer your customers' most common questions. This is a great way to eliminate the time you spend answering each one individually, as well as provide users with a handy reference point for future use.

What's more, FAQ pages can also be used to give potential customers all of the information they need about your product or service before they buy it - bonus points if you link back to your products from this page (for excample, did you know I have a 6-month content calendar and FAQ Google Doc all ready to go for marketers! Check it out here: https://shanabull.com/social-media-resources/six-month-content-calendar-template).

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